June 2024 Akashic Message — the balance of belonging ☯️
For June, your guides in the Akasha ask—what is the right size for the situation you’re in? How are you contorting yourself to fit into other people’s expectations of you? All this back and forth is exhausting! When you adjust yourself to fit into other people's expectations of you instead of being given the space to be who you are.
Maybe whatever size you show up is exactly right. If they’re uncomfortable with how you show up, then that’s their problem and out of your control.
Maybe whatever size you show up is exactly right. If they’re uncomfortable with how you show up, then that’s their problem and out of your control.
Ok, well, let’s back up here—of course, we are relational beings. We learn in relationships and community. There is nothing we do alone. It’s important for us to consider others, but where is the balance? How can you stay focused on your path? How can you let the wind blow without blowing you down?
Pick up new postures and find strength in your root system. Which includes healthy relationships that leave you feeling energized, supported, and loved rather than depleted or stressed. Hold on to your core / inner knowing. You don’t have to bend to other people’s expectations of you.
Let the wind blow while continuing to care for those who made homes in our branches and nourish us as well. Focus on the relationships that remind us we can do this even though we’re scared. The ones that support us and ignite our fire. Cultivate and cherish those relationships.
To summarize—you’ve gone on a journey, maybe it’s bigger than you thought, and in the darkness, found hope. But you’re at a point where you’re getting lost in all the choices. Charmed by all the options. The choice is your inner knowing and the relationships that feel energizing, loving, and supportive. Choose the environment that’s best for you, one where you can easily thrive.
—Akashic Records ✨
To summarize—
You’ve gone on a journey, maybe it’s bigger than you thought, and in the darkness, found hope. But you’re at a point where you’re getting lost in all the choices. Charmed by all the options. The choice is your inner knowing and the relationships that feel energizing, loving, and supportive. Choose the environment that’s best for you, one where you can easily thrive.