April 2024 Akashic Message — one of hope 🌷
The April message is one of hope. Paired with an image of storm clouds parting to reveal a rainbow, the symbol of hope. We wouldn’t get the rainbow without the rain, chaos, and darkness. I like the reminder of the darkness and the light; the both/and.
Description: Storm clouds break to reveal a rainbow on the beach
Decide on where to invest your time and energy. You have several gardens to tend to, but in order for you to move forward, you need to be deliberate about which avenue is for you.
Pay attention to repeating patterns. If unwanted patterns keep coming up, then there’s a lesson you need to integrate or approach differently. We’ve been doing this work for a while now, but this time—go deeper. Why does this pattern play on repeat in your life? Is there something comfy about it? If you have conflicting voices, then what are your different parts saying? What do they need?
We’ve gone through a lot to get to where we are now. Take some time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Reflect on what the world is mirroring back to you. Are you unable to see the truth because you’re caught up in your own shame spiral? Step back. Maybe what’s being reflected to you is a gateway and a door to breaking the pattern.
You navigated through some rocky seas, but you're past that now! You’re no longer getting stabbed in the back, and you’ve made it safely to the other side. If you need one, have a good cry and look around. You’re ok. You’re safe here. Soak it in! You don’t need to perform or go above and beyond. You are loved, appreciated, and cared for exactly as you are.
—Akashic Records ✨
April Affirmation from The Deck of Plenty
This month’s message sounds a lot like Mercury retrograde (April 1-25) work. Not to mention we’re already in eclipse season, with one just occurred on March 25th, and another on April 8th. Mercury Rx is not bad or scary or wrong. It’s just a time for us to do a bit of reflection.
Reflection again?! I know. Eye roll, huh? 🙃
Mercury retrogrades are a great time for re’s: revisit, revise, reflect, review, research, repair (reduce, reuse, recycle. lol!). Oh! And one of my faves—connecting with friends you haven’t talked to in a while. (If you’re thinking about them, it’s a sign!)
This doesn’t mean stop everything completely, but some things might need a little extra care and attention, and it’s ok to rework a few things. Take your time with your projects this month. Mercury goes retrograde 3-4 times a year! So, it’s pretty common and nothing to fear. Maybe just click save a few extra times and back up your work? It might save you a headache or two! You got this!